Friday, July 1, 2011

DIY Anyone?: Part 1

Inspired by my dear friend Amy's blog and her "do-it-yourself" attitude and this blog that my sister, B, recently escorted me to, I decided to take matters into my own hands and spruce up some things around my home.

I'm starting small but it's a very big step for me. I'm the kind of person that would rather buy it off the shelf than take time to make it. Because I'm rich right?...haha...yea right!

We recently planted some herbs and I wanted to make some cute name tags for them.

What you'll need:
Indoor/outdoor stain (approx. $12)
1 small paintbrush (approx. $1)
Marker (approx. $1)
Paint stirrers (FREE)

I had some leftover stain from another project. I couldn't decide between the black with silver marker or clear with gold marker so they are both pictured. And I eventually went with the clear and gold.

Using your marker of choice, write the names of your herbs on the paint stirrers. Make sure your stain is well shaken and apply an even coat on all sides of the stirrers. Let dry for at least one hour and apply another coat. Let it dry again and decide if you want to add another for a more intense gloss or leave it as it is. I applied three coats to mine.

After the stirrers have completely dried, voilà!, you have your own handmade herb labels.

It was so easy and fun! You should try it.