Come March we were well conditioned and ready to go. On March 20, we participated in our first ever 5k. I must admit that I was a bit nervous. I never participated in a 5k before and I wasn't familiar with the logistics. But everything turned out fine and I actually placed second in my age group. My very first 5k and I won a trophy! Can you believe that?
In April, there weren't a lot of 5ks to choose from so we ran in a 2 mile. There was also a 10k that day but we weren't even going to delve into that. We thought those people were out of their minds for running so far. Overall, the hubby placed second with a time of 14:09.
In May, we were able to participate in a 5k right in our hometown. Out of 209 people the hubby came in 17th place. I was so proud of him. And we both placed third in our age groups.
In June, I participated in the Sweat'n Oil 5k (the hubby said he gave up running for the summer because it's so dang hot). It was a really great run but it was really REALLY hot! And again I placed in my age group.
In August, we both ran in the Diamondhead 5k. I have to say that race was the hardest one I've ever run. Diamondhead, Miss. is full of hills and the humidity that day was killer (see how red our faces are). I did place third in my age group though.
September was full of fun runs. The hubby completed his first duathlon where he ran 2 miles, kayaked 2 miles and ran another 2 miles. He did an awesome job and finished in 57:20. Also that month, we competed in the annual Volkslauf 5.5 mile mud run. It was so diry and so much fun! We are definitely going back next year.

In November, we ran in the 20th Annual Mississippi Coast 5k. It was FREEZING! I think it was about 35 degrees during the run (which is really cold for South Mississippi), and I don't think either of us even broke a sweat. I placed second in my new age group, 25-29 year old females.
After all the running we did we decided to end the year with a bang. We actually competed in our first 10k in December! I am proud to say that the hubby finished in 66th place with a time of 49:20 and I finished in 177th place (hey, no complaining here) with a time of 1:02:29. I remember thinking back in April that a 10k seemed so far, but it really wasn't bad.
We definitely accomplished a new resolution and we will continue running. In fact, the hubby is signed up to compete in an ultramarathon (that's right, I said ultra) in March. Him and five teammates will run 126 miles from Baton Rouge to New Orleans. I'm so excited for him!
But what will my new year's resolution be for the upcoming year? I guess I need to figure that out soon...