Thursday, January 6, 2011

To get a second job, or to not get a second job?

I am currently considering taking on a second job. The one I have is nice, but it's only a student position which means I'll be out on my butt come May 20 (eeeeek!). I've been searching desperately for a full-time position, all over the country in fact, but needless to say...nada. I get some replies (all rejections of course), but I haven't even had a single interview. And I know my resumé looks good!

So basically, I need a simple second job now so I can save up some money. Because who knows what the future holds. I was looking into doing some freelance writing but apparently freelance translates into free labor.

My sister, B, and I did some brainstorming over my dilemna, and here are a few jobs that we came up with:

1) I could work night shift at the front desk of the local hospital. But I really don't want to be around sick people all the time. Yuck!

2) I could work dispatch. This could be a really interesting job. Except, do I have to direct people on how to give the Heimlich or CPR? Because if I do that might not end up too well for the person on the other end of the line.

3) A bouncer at a local bar (haha!). If you know me you're probably laughing too. Then, we decided that maybe I don't even have to be hired. I can just stand outside of the bar and tell people who's allowed to come in and who's not. Of course this wouldn't benefit me, but wouldn't that be hilarious?

4) A comedian. I can just call up local restaurants and bars and tell them I'm a comedian and ask if they would mind giving me a gig. But then I guess there would be too much pressure to actually be funny. (As you can tell from this article I'm not that great at it.)

5) An artist. I can buy some paint, squirt different colors all over a blank canvas and sell it. That's what artists do isn't it?

6) A dog walker. But I don't have time to walk my own dog. On second thought, how am I going to get a second job when I don't even have time to walk my dog?