Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Know, I Know

I haven't blogged in almost three weeks! How did I get to this point?

Well, let me tell you how. A few blogs ago I talked about how I needed to take on a second job. It happened...times two. I now have a second and third job.

First, I acquired an interview with a major local publishing company for a writing position. Here's the scenario: I walk into the interview and I'm a little intimidated to see not one, not two, not three but four people awaiting at the conference table. Nerves are setting in but I remind myself that it's not like I haven't done this before...try being interviewed by five supervisors during a power outage by candelight. Now that was intimidating and a little spooky. But I got the job, and I got this one too. They hired me on the spot and I'm now an official writer (not just one of those desperate bloggers ;).

This is Roco. He had a facelift when he was just a pup
because his wrinkles were blocking his sight. You can
kind of tell by his consistent surprised look.

Second, the place where I hold a full-time job requires many employees to go out of time for weeks, sometimes months, at a time. Applying my dog-sitting idea, I tossed out a line and people have been biting since. I recently kept Roco, a Shar Pei mix, for two weeks and made a whopping $120.00. That's $10/night folks...I don't mean to brag but I've got to have the cheapest prices in town! And I currently have a bid in to keep four bullmastiffs for a week. Let's see that's four dogs, an average of 450 lbs. all over my couches, 64 claws scratching my wood floors and 6,382,769 hairs all over everything. At $40/night, for seven days that comes out to be $280. Yeah, I'm going to have to mull this over.

So you see forget my hands being full, my life has been pretty full. Not to mention the peewee basketball team I'm coaching, my two callings at church, the photography class I'm taking, the political campaign I'm volunteering for and all the other little things life throws at me.

But believe me I'm not complaining. This is a very exciting time in my life right now. I have a very awesome and extremely supportive husband, a loving family, my good health and three great jobs. What more could a 25-year-old girl want?...Maybe just a little compassion from my followers?