Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Random Act of Kindness

A few weeks ago a young mother bustled her way into the chapel on a Sunday morning. She had three kids in tow (I believe all are under the age of 3). She worked throughout the hour-long service to keep her kids hushed and in their seats. This was no easy task as these kids were bursting with energy and very excited about the big open space just behind their row of chairs.

Some people tried to help her by chasing her kids down the hall and picking up dropped toys. Others scoffed and made comments like "She needs to hush them up!"

At one point her toddler ran out of the chapel. She had the baby on her lap and as she was going to set him on the floor to run after the other one. Just as she was doing this the baby regurgitated what appeared to be the last three meals he had eaten (it was A LOT).

She was flustered, and everyone else was at a loss of what to do for her.

She left.

Two weeks went by and there was no sign of the mother and her three children. But last Sunday the mother returned with three children in tow yet again. There just happened to be an emptly row in front of us. Everyone sitting on the row, me, my uncle, my sister and my niece, braced ourselves.

But then something happened...

My grandmother who was sitting on the lefside of me immediately pulled out a bag. This bag contained books and toys, and she quickly began doling out these things to the children. The mother watched out of the corner of her eye and smiled.

I know my grandmother, and I know that she had gathered these things together and brought them with her every week in case the mother returned.

The rest of us were sincerely touched and we all began pitching in. Picking up toys, occupying the children, chasing them around, even holding them on our laps.

Sure, they weren't angels. But it definitely helped.

Isn't that an awesome lady?