Friday, May 20, 2011

Something Happened...

When you're a child, time seems, take it's time. It's slower, less ambitious. As you get older, time goes by more quickly, and before you know it you're all grown up and sometimes time appears to be nonexistent as you try to recall where the time has "flown."
I'm 25 now, but I still tell people that I feel like I'm 15. Not mentally or even physically, I guess I just thought when I was finally an "adult" that I would have a commpletely different mindset...and I don't.

Sure, I have matured and learned many things about myself and the world I live in, but I'm basically still the same person that was born 25 years, 6 months and 13 days ago. Obviously, I have come to believe that nature definitely outweighs nurture.

I'm married, I have a master's degree and a good career, we own our home, blah blah I know I should feel like a grown-up. But on a day-to-day basis when I'm swimming my way through the motions of life just striving to keep my head above water, I forget that society considers me all grown up. That is, until this morning when something happened...

I'm covering a story for my local paper tonight and I had to call the local high school to get some background information on the event. Lo and behold, who do you think answered the phone? Well, it's none other than my college roommate, S, from sophomore year. I knew that she worked there and we still vaguely keep in touch within the social media realm, but I never imagined we would have crossed paths through our careers. We used to talk about boys and homework, not facts and percentages.

As I hung up the phone, I realized once and for all that I really am all grown up. I felt like it was a conversation I should be having 20 years from now, not today!

There's no going back now, no more clinging to those braided tresses from my youth. I guess all there is to say is here's to the future, to my grown-up life.