I like to read. And I especially like to read the news because (a) I don't like fiction and (b) I like to know what's going on in the world we live in. Since I started blogging, it is a place I like to refer to for inspiration.
However....the news can be very very VERY depressing! I got on a news website today and the first three articles I read were about the massive flooding in Pakistan, three murderers escaping from prison and two twin girls drowing in a pool. Extremely sad stuff :*(
I don't want my blog to be all about the latest news updates on child kidnappings, lost hikers (although I have found that there are a lot of stupid hikers out there), celebrities going in and out of rehab or finding Natalee Holloway's body.

Don't get me wrong. I totally believe that people should always be aware of what's going on in the world around them. For example, one of my sisters didn't even know about all the ins and outs of North Korea and their crazy president (oh gosh I hope I don't get wiped off the planet for talking bad about him on my public blog....eeeek!), and when I told her she was completely shocked and terrified. Seriously, she's been having nightmares. My message to her: B, stop watching MTV and turn on CNN, Fox News, anything!
Side note: If you're reading this right now and wondering what I'm talking about, please google "North Korea."
Okay, back to my point. So people should know what's going on in the world, but why does it always have to be negative? Well, while staying on top of the latest news I came across a solution....
An article written about 8 great websites that are dedicated to brightening people's day with real-life stories about amazing people :)
Here they are....I hope you enjoy!
Happy News
Their motto: Real news. Compelling stories. Always positive.
Gives Me Hope
An example of what you'll find here: "I work at a nursing home and every day I see an old man pushing an old woman in a wheelchair with Alzheimer's around the building. One day, I asked the man how his wife was doing. He laughed at me and said 'that woman is not my wife, she is the wife of my best friend, who died years ago.' On-going best friendships Give Me Hope."
1000 Awesome Things
Post Secret
Warning: This one is a little eccentric, but interesting, nonetheless.
Cute Baby Fix
If you like babies (which every normal person should), then you will like this site. It's full of cute videos and pics. Some of it is kind of corny, but most of it is just plain cuteness.
Christian the Lion
This is a YouTube video, but you have to know the story behind it first. "John Rendall and Anthony Bourke bought Christian, a lion cub, from Harrods in 1969 and raised him in their London home. Several years later, they set the lion free to live in the wilds of Africa. A year later, against the advice of experts, the pair was determined to locate Christian. They traveled to Kenya to find him, and their reunion was recorded on film.
Who doesn't love cute animals? (See monkey below)
Well, there you have it. I hope it brightens your day as it did mine :)
Thank you to Tas Anjarwalla, Special to CNN