We stayed at the Monte Carlo right on the strip. I would definitely recommend this hotel. It was very family friendly with a small lazy river and wavepool, mall and foodcourt. Really cheap too ;)
The first day we spent walking up and down the strip exploring all the amazing hotels and casinos. The Wynn is my absolute favorite. Everything about it is classy and beautiful. I wish I could afford to stay there (sigh).
We had a frrrozen hot chocolate from Serendipity's. Apprently, there are only three in the whole world....Manhattan, Las Vegas and Boca Raton. Boca Raton, Fla! That's random, but much closer to home. And I'll let you readers in on a little secret....a new one is opening in Washington D.C. sometime this year. If you have never tried one of these, you have to add it to your bucket list.

We also saw the Blue Man Group at the Venetian. I've seen their show once before in Vegas and they didn't fail to shock and delight. Those guys are CRAZY!
We decided to take a dam tour while we were there since we were so close. Yep, we took a dam elevator down to the dam bottom and saw all of the dam power generators. (Haha....that never gets old!)

Next stop, the four-story M&M store. Yes, I did say four-stories. I don't know how they did it, but they managed to put the M&M logo on everything possible and actually selll it.
Overall, our trip to Vegas was great, but we were actually a little homesick for Utah.