One of my many goals in life is to be in London, England in August 2012.
Why you might ask....
For the 2012 Summer Olympic games of course!

I'm obsessed with the Olympic games. I love competition, and I really love the idea of all the countries across the world joining together under one roof for some friendly rivalry. It totally gives me a newfound hope for world peace.
The games only happen every four years, which gives crazed fans (like me) plenty of time to pine for more. When the games are on my eyes are glued to the tube for 2.5 weeks. I think part of my obsession comes from my Dad who wouldn't let us watch anything else while the Olympics were on. It was Olympics or nothing at all.

As a child, it was my wish to be in the Olympics some day. I didn't know what sport I was going to play, but I knew that I wanted to be a part of it. I wanted to wear the red, white and blue jacket with the Olympic rings monogrammed on the back; I wanted to walk the track circle during the opening ceremony with the other athletes of the world; and most of all, I wanted to stand on the rostrum and be awarded a medal with my flag waving in the background.

Well, those dreams went flying out the window after I realized that while I was good at sports, I had no real record-breaking, earth shattering, God-defying talent like some other people I know (hint: Michael Phelps). So now I just like to watch.
The London Olympics are going to be superb. There will be more than 100,000 hotel rooms available, an excellent transit system to get you back and forth to your hotel and between stadiums and over 38 sports to watch....(sigh). You can check it out here
London 2012.
Tickets don't go on sale until 2011 (the exact date hasn't been announced yet). And right now plane tickets to England are priced at around $1200/person. So I definitely have some saving to do. Besides that, it's England so I don't have to brush up on any foreign language.
For now, all I know is "Citius, Altius, Fortius."
Next stop: BRAZIL!